Cherry Blossoms-Spring is here!
Hey world,
Spring is finally here!!
I was inspired by a cherry tree that was in bloom outside my window, so I wrote a poem to celebrate springs arrival:
A cherry tree in early morning.
The blossoms’ magenta depths inhale the blue skies, feeling it fill
their lungs, and breathe
out fragrant sighs, their breath heavy with sweet pollen. The bees too
are drawn to
these clumps of candy-floss hanging enticingly on the twiggy limbs of the tree.
The sun pries her sticky golden fingers into the delicate clusters of
fist-like petals,
peering into their centres as though there was some secret hidden there.
The buds yawn and unfold their pink skirts in the breeze, shaking the nights dew off
their soft heads.
The sun, fascinated by this transformation, laughs so hard she rolls around the sky,
making the clouds frown and back off, scratching their wispy heads and
wondering why she is so happy.
Spring dances beneath the cherry blossoms, beating her tambourine to a jig of
growth, drums of the thrum of dragonfly and hummingbird wings beat in the hazy sunlight.
Spring’s fingers; ringed with buds pluck at the harp of birdsong;
Her melody is one that beckons to the shy tulips who have been moping beneath the
hedges, and the joyful hysteria the birds get into is almost funny-:
I can't help but join in.
Dance on, world.
-A. Heezen
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