Haiku Hopscotch

Hey world,
'A poet before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language.'
-W.H Auden
I don't know about you, but I think that Auden's reflection on the essence of the poet encapsulates pretty much everything to which a writer should aspire. Not fame, not money; just an unfailing love of poetry, and the brilliance of the English language. For this reason, I'll be producing a weekly blog on the subject - a love letter, if you will, to the mother tongue.
As a member of a club that assembles weekly to discover, read, and reflect upon poetry, I am one of a privileged few who know the unique consolations of the form.
To most people, poetry is thought of as an incredibly boring topic. However, being a 'Poetry Nerd', as members of the poetry society are used to being referred, I believe that everyone can write their own poetry if they really try. To some, poetry flows easily; but for me it requires inspiration. It is this which we seek in our beloved poetry society.
We seek inspiration so that we may strive to create our own version of Wordsworth's Daffodils, Keats's To Autumn, Bishop's I am in need of music, or indeed any of Shakespeare's sonnets.
I hope you enjoy my weekly reflections, and that you too find inspiration in the inestimable art of poetry.



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