Celestial Acne

Hey World! I got some really good news last week, I placed in a global poetry competition which is my first poetry award of that scale! The competition is called the Foyle Young Poet Award which is a global poetry competition for young poets up to the age of 18. I have been entering this competition for several years and on results day have been met with 'Dear entrant, we are sorry to inform you that your poem has not been chosen for this year's award'... But this year, my email came in with my name in the first sentence and I knew that this was finally the year that I would place. Sure enough, my poem, 'Celestial Acne' placed in the top 85! The way this competition works is there are 100 over all winners, 15 winners, and 85 commended poets. The large amount of winners was what drew me to this competition, and I am so happy that I was able to place! If you are a regular reader of my blog you will already know that my poetry is usually nature based, I am very fond...