The Old Fools-Phillip Larkin

January 13th, 2019 Hey world, Happy New Year! To celebrate the opening of the new year and all the hopes and aspirations that accompany it, I thought I would pick a nice cheerful poem about senile old people who are, for lack of a better phrase, slowly losing their marbles: ‘The Old Fools’ by Philip Larkin. Philip Larkin is renowned for his honest, intimate, lyrical and often foul-mouthed verse, the latter description bringing his famous poem ‘ This Be The Verse ’ to mind. He is also renowned for being a bit of a pessimist. Using his own poetic technique he conveys his own discontent with his existence, but he does so with elements of humour and profanity. I have blogged about Larkin before on his poem ‘The Trees’ which is one of my favorites, so if you haven’t seen that post make sure to check it out before continuing. Before Christmas someone gave me a collection of poetry which included Philip Larkin’s collection of poetry High Windows, which was the fourth volume...